Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the island country of the Lesser Antilles laying between Saint Lucia on the North and Grenada on the South.

The territory is composed by the main island of Saint Vincent with the capital Kingstown and a chain of 32 smaller islands many of which are inhabitated by a total population of 110,000 people.

After an intial period when the islands were under French control, they has been maintly a British colony till the 1979 when they gained full indipendency.

Nowadays Saint Vincent is a parlamentary democarcy and a constututional monarchy with Elizabeth II as Queen. Since its indipendance, the state had political stability without any major issues.

Saint Vincent is a volcanic island with moist forest while southern islands has dryer forest ecosystems. In April 2021 the main volcano La Soufriere erupted, 16,000 people had to be evaquated and ashes covered part of the island.

Climate is the typical tropical one, hot and humid with dry season from December to May. Rain is abundant during the wet season but it comes in short periods in between sunshines. Hurricane season is from August to October but Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are rarerly effected because of their southern position.

The economy iis classified as low-medium and it is based on agriculture, mainly bananas production.

On the contrary of many other Caribbean States, tourism sector today doesn't have a major role into the island income but its potential is now recognized and in fact tourism has began to develop.

As consequence, also the diving industry is not as developed as others Caribbean destination but the abundant marine life, the great sea condition and the amount of diving sites are ideal and indicated a nice potential if sustainably developed and focused on the natural resources conservation.

The real estate market seems to fit the Calypso project quite well becasuse beside the high end luxury mansions, there is a good availalbity of affortable big houses perfect for combining our living and the guests accomodation.

Residence permit is one of the easist in the Caribbean, it is sufficient to demostrate to have sufficent means to sustain your living, there is no residence by investment programs.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines may be one of the best shortlisted destination for our project especially because it away from mass tourism routes but there is a great potention for a niche tourism interested to discover alternative places where a sustainable and simpler life is still possible, just like us.




Ehi wait a sec! What about a Plan C?

Why we started Calypso Project